Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Brussels Sprouts: an Intervention

I struggle with nutrition..... period. I absolutely love food and while I love food that is healthy and nourishing, I also love food that is not healthy for you. One of my best friends used to refer to me as a carnie because of my love of fried, delicious fair food.  It doesn't help that I'm a very indulgent person in general, indulgent food, indulgent kitchen appliances, indulgent purses........ you get the picture. Food is something that makes me FEEL good. I love gathering with friends around a meal and making memories, and for the most part I think that is true for a lot of people. I think you should indulge once in a while though. In fact, I think it's healthy to do so. Plus, am I really NEVER going to eat a corn dog again? I think not.

Back to the intent of my post, it is a struggle to get green vegetables in my diet. It's one of the reasons I drink Shakeology, but even with the power packed veggie punch I get with Shakeo, I still need green veggies in my life because the cellulose present in them aids in weight loss and overall health, and that means I have to find ways to cook them where I will actually eat them. Thus, a self proclaimed intervention was born. I have vowed to add more veggies to my diet and to try new things.

Now to the Brussels sprouts. I saw them on sale in Sprouts a few weeks ago and  I have always heard people rave about them. I have already conquered broccoli so I figured it was time to move to the next step. We used a recipe from a good friend of ours and BAM here you have it:

We cooked some all natural bacon and the sprouts all together in the pan and seasoned with salt and pepper. The flavor was delicious! I'm not going to lie though, I did have a texture issue. I think next time we will cut them up in quarters so I can handle them (because you have to feed me like a pre-schooler sometimes to get me to try new things)  Here's the easy as pie (is pie actually easy?) recipe:

Brussels sprouts (as many as you think you'll need
4-5 pieces of natural bacon
salt and pepper

Combine everything in the pan and let the sprouts cook WITH the bacon. Season with salt and pepper and cut up into small pieces if you're a big baby like me.

Hope this helps you get some "green" in your dinner plate :)

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